Small businesses need freedom of use
Based on research we conducted in various countries within the EU, in case of purchasing decisions around any kind of services small businesses prefer the freedom of use meaning no investment and no loyalty to be made. When it comes to fleet management, the need for investment into onboard devices and loyalty claims of providers together have been so far the biggest obstacles for small business owners to deploy telematics solutions. To exceed the existing business model was one of the main driving forces for us when we created urbaniqe.
No investment, no loyalty required
We have developed urbaniqe as a lightweight fleet management solution for small businesses running mostly passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in urban use cases. We help them to manage their drivers and vehicle fleets without any investment made into onboard devices and without taking any kind of loyalty. With that we are successfully addressing both obstacles in a revolutionary new way and freeing up small businesses from the above constraints in the order they manage their urban vehicle fleets in a better way.
Pay-as-you-go fleet management with free trial
We truly believe that urbaniqe is a unique lightweight smartphone-based fleet management solution from many aspects. First, it makes onboard devices obsolete and is very easy to install. You just download the app and it immediately starts working using mobile tracking. Second, every small business or private individual has an opportunity to try out urbaniqe for free. Just download the app and you can immediately sign up for the free trial of Mobility Assistant. Having successfully tested the solution, you can decide whether to subscribe for that and how many seats you want to activate. We do not request company data or bank card credentials when signing up for the trial. You only have to enter them in the checkout process when you have already decided to subscribe. Third, this is a pay-as-you-go business that means you can unsubscribe any time for the end date of the running subscription period if you believe it does not deliver any business value more for your company. Finally, the mobile-first concept does not mean that you cannot purchase Plug’n’Play on-board devices in case you want to have more accurate tracking data, improved quality of service or access to the board computer data of the vehicles like RPM, actual fuel consumption, ignition or running mileage.
Then what exactly do I pay for?
In urbaniqe active users are the subject of pricing, you don’t have to pay for inactive ones. You can have two different types of users: Drivers and Managers. Drivers are driving the vehicles and administering the refuels, while Managers also can act as drivers, but on top of that, they can manage the fleet, run reports, receive alerts and push notifications for the entire fleet and can administer the subscriptions. You can create vehicles with just a few clicks in an unlimited number, then you can select from the list of vehicles the one that is in use. We have made everything very simple in the order you manage your fleet in a better way!